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Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Pecha Kucha Night

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So after knowing what pecha kucha is all about, you should know that pecha kucha is held on a community based. They usually held events so called pecha kucha night, what is it? how is it?.
Based on resource i read on wikipedia here, pecha kucha night were now hosted on over 170 different cities now. As I posted earlier on this blog you should already know that this pecha kucha gives a presentation design and how it presented a new breath of style. Not an usual boring presentation, but a concise and interesting presentation that make the audience will interested and give more space of interactivity.
Now back to pecha kucha night, Pecha Kucha Night hosts eight to 14 presenters. Presenters (and much of the audience) are usually from the design, architecture, photography, art and creative fields, but it has also stretched over to academia and the business world. Businesses use the Pecha Kucha format, especially for internal presentations, primarily as a device to limit the length of presentations, force presenters to focus their messages, reduce interruptions, and ultimately avoid "death by Powerpoint".
Presenters must grant Pecha Kucha Night certain non-exclusive rights and license to reproduce their appearance. Well-known presenters at Pecha Kucha Nights have included the architects Jun Aoki, Toyo Ito, Rem Koolhaas, designers such as Tom Dixon, Ron Arad, Thomas Heatherwick but also comedians such as Johnny Vegas, actress Joanna Lumley and ITN newscaster Jon Snow.
Some organizers have added their own variations to the format. Variants include Pecha Kucha mash-ups with other Japanese pop-culture contributions: Pecha Kucha karaoke (creating a narrative of someone else's slide show) and Pecha Kucha Iron Chef (duelling presenters competing for audience appreciation). In Groningen, in the Netherlands, two slots are given to a live band, and the final 20 seconds of each presentation consists of an immediate critique of the presentation by the host’s sidekicks. Video art has also been presented at some events.
Some of this entry was taken directly from Wikipedia

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

How To Deliver A Great Presentation

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This article was written by Sam Collyer, I think this would be useful for you who often make presentation and presented at the front of many audience. Free Powerpoint Template will help you to get a nice design of your slides, but beyond that you should master your presentation skills, this tips will give much help.

Most courses require students to give a presentation at some point during their studies, for many the prospect fills them with dread. Unfortunately or fortunately depending upon your perspective, the inherent nature of graduate jobs means that at some point there will be a requirement to present to or address an audience.

The prospect of presenting is so distressing for some that they waste too much time worrying and vital preparation time is lost. Worrying is counter productive, so you must put it out of your mind.

The fact is that confidence is a great antidote for nerves and a presentation that is well researched and properly prepared will give you that confidence.

The opposite is also true. I have known students who have been so side tracked by fear that they have been unable to concentrate upon the task in hand leading to sub-standard preparation, in turn promoting a lack of confidence which equates to increased nerves.

You need to break the cycle! Focus on the work and the nerves will to a greater extent take care of themselves. Don’t forget once completed, it will be easier the next time.

If your presentation is to be assessed the first step, is to read the assessment criteria. Look at how the marks are allocated and gear your efforts accordingly.

Take particular note of the time limit keeping to a time specification is a vital part of the presenter’s skill, so ensure that yours is spot on. Too much under the allotted time and you will have probably failed to do your subject justice, over run and as interesting as you subject may be, you will fail to demonstrate your ability to plan effectively.

Decide on whether you are going to use a visual aid and if so, what. Aids tend not to be mandatory but their use is advantageous for four reasons:

1. They add quality and will make you look more professional.
2. Make it easier for your audience to follow.
3. Provide you with a prompt so you don’t have to rely on cards.
4. Take the attention of the audience away from you.

Your subject matter will probably dictate the type of aid you will be able to use. Acetates still have their use but the favourite for many now is ‘PowerPoint’ it’s simple to use and very effective.

Whatever you decide make sure that you use a font size that is easy to read and use a clear heading and bullet points around 4-6 per ‘page’, avoid cramming in loads of information.

Do your research, know your stuff, and don’t forget that knowledge equals confidence!

Make sure that the information flows in a logical sequence, once you have it planned out practise, practise and practise some more.

Don’t just run through it in your head, actually speaking the words will take longer than thinking them-remember that time limit!

It’s a common mistake to think successful people are just born that way. Footballer’s, golfer’s, advocate’s, actor’s, artist’s, writer’s, no matter what the field, successful people have one thing in common, they practise and keep on practising until they get it right. So must you!

Presentation complete, the next thing to consider is how you are going to present yourself. Don’t turn up in jeans and trainers show your audience and the occasion some respect. If you look professional, you will act professionally and if you are being assessed you will gain extra marks.

If you are unfamiliar with the equipment make sure that you have a couple of practise sessions so you know how to use it.

When the moment arrives wait until everyone is seated and quiet, introduce yourself and tell the audience the subject that you are going to examine.

Make eye contact with a couple of audience members periodically throughout your talk.

Unless you are supremely confident and time is not an issue, you will not want to be disrupted by questions as this may throw you off course and will eat into your allotted time. So inform your audience that you will take questions at the end. At least if you are being marked the assessor will know at what point the talk ended and the questions began.

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Pecha Kucha Demo

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Here's a quick demo on presentation that use pecha kucha rule, remember 20 slides and 20 seconds on each slide. This not just a demo, inside you'll find some tips about how to create an unboring presentation that could drive your audience to flow with your presentation and agreeing with your idea of course. It's not just a matter how good your idea is but how good you make people to understand about your idea. And to achieve that a presentation design and presentation template you choose are also influencing on how the result is going to be. Garr Reynold, once told that size matter, it also make audience more clear about you're going to say on your slides.

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

What is Pecha Kucha?

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Many of us recently heard words pecha kucha, and it's kinda related to presentation, yes, it's like an art of presentation. It's about how you present your idea or your work in just around six minutes. Many of us maybe will soon get bored with a long presentation, so the point of this Pecha Kucha technique is go straight to the point, design your presentation template and flows based on that. According to Wikipedia, pecha kucha is a form of presentation that likely or easily to understand by its audience. It's perform on twenty slides and twenty seconds each slide, that'd count exactly six minutes and 40 seconds. Here's a video about Pecha Kucha I found on youtube.



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